Nia and Trey both had a sore throat so their mom told them o gargle with warm salt water.

-Nia mixed 12 teaspoon salt with 3 cups of water.
-Trey mixed 12 teaspoons salt with 112 cups of water.
Nia tasted Trey's salt water.She said," I added more salt so I expected that mine would be more salty, but they taste the same."
1) Explain why the salt water mixture is the same.
I don't get how the salt water mixture would taste the same so I was wondering if you could help. Thanks.

2 answers

beats me.

4 tsp/cup vs 3/28 tsp/cup?

doesn't look the same to me, if the numbers are correct.
I'm not sure so maybe the numbers on the question are wrong but thanks for the help anyway.