Next year (sophomore year) I'm taking the following courses:

Honors Algebra II/Trig
Spanish III
AP Biology
Honors English
AP World History

Is AP Bio and world history hard? or no it's not just the exam.

Please tell me because this is my first year taking AP.

3 answers

btw I took honors biology in 8th grade and this year I'm taking honors earth science. Usually you take honors chem at a sophomore if your an honors student but teachers can recommend you to AP.
Be ready to put in the time and work needed for these college-level classes.

If you're not willing to do all the reading and studying (beyond specific class assignments), you should not take them ... or take only one instead of two. It completely rests on how much YOU are willing to put into it all.
All AP classes are hard. After all, if you pass the exam, you'll get college credit.

I'll repeat what my granddaughters'o high school principal told his students. AP history requires a lot of reading. If you don't love reading and history, don't take this class. Although my granddaughters took other AP classes, they did not take AP history.