"Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski
Evidence: Integrate a quote that shows characterization in the story.
Citation: To cite your source, put the author’s last name and the page number where you found the quote in parentheses at the END of the quote. Example- (Vonnegut 2).
1 answer
In "Nethergrave," the author Gloria Skurzynski effectively portrays the characterization of the protagonist, Jeremy, through his internal thoughts and emotions. One quote that exemplifies this can be found when Jeremy ponders about his lonely existence in the real world, stating, "Here, I can talk to people who actually do something with their lives. I don't have to sit alone like I do in the real world, without a single person who seems to care" (Skurzynski 9). This quote shows Jeremy's longing for connection and his dissatisfaction with his current circumstances, hinting at his yearning for an escape into the virtual world of Nethergrave.