Both "Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder" are science fiction stories that explore the consequences of time travel for their respective characters. However, they have different impacts on the real world for these characters.
In "Nethergrave," the protagonist Jeremy is a socially isolated teenager who spends most of his time playing video games in the virtual reality world. When he discovers a mysterious advertisement claiming to offer a real-life fantasy adventure, he agrees to participate without considering the potential consequences. Jeremy is then transported to a seemingly idyllic world called "Nethergrave" where he befriends MUD players, who turn out to be manifestations of other socially isolated individuals. However, the impact on the real world is negative for Jeremy. He realizes that the virtual world cannot replace genuine human connections, and his decision to escape reality only leads to further isolation. This realization drives Jeremy to step outside his comfort zone and seek real-world connections, ultimately affecting his interactions and relationships positively.
On the other hand, in "A Sound of Thunder," the main character Eckels is a wealthy hunter who travels back in time to hunt dinosaurs. He is warned by the time travel company to strictly follow the designated path to avoid altering the future. However, Eckels disregards this warning and inadvertently steps off the path, crushing a butterfly in the process. When he returns to the present, he discovers that his actions have created significant changes in the real world. The butterfly's death has caused a ripple effect, leading to drastic alterations in the present - changing the outcome of elections and even the English language. Eckels' careless actions highlight the fragility of the timeline and depict the disastrous impact one seemingly insignificant action can have on the real world.
In summary, the impacts on the real world for the characters in "Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder" differ. While "Nethergrave" shows the negative consequences of escaping reality and the importance of real-world connections, "A Sound of Thunder" emphasizes the significant consequences of altering the past, highlighting the power and fragility of the timeline.
“Nethergrave” and "A Sound of Thunder," compeare and contrast the ways these two storys impacted the real world for the characters
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