Negative impact on forcinacation

2 answers

taking what belongs to Christ and giving it to dom.
unwanted pregnancy.
“Fornication also relates to why 50% of marriages end in divorce”
“ If you are a woman, think about if you desire having kids some day. 100,000 to 150,000 women become infertile each year as a result of STDs. And if you do not become infertile, some STDs can cause your child to be born with defects such as blindness. Don't make your child suffer because of your disobedience to God. Even if a child has no physical defect, a single parent home can cause them to have emotional scars due to lack of love from a mother and a father.”
“in I Corinthians 6:18 that s*x before marriage is a sin against the body. Sinning against the body means losing respect for your body, as well as the body of the one you are involved with. Once respect is lost, it becomes easier to indulge in promiscuous s*x.” S*xually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). “ Studies have shown that premarital s*x also increases the rate of cheating after marriage.”