1. Bivariate data refers to a set of data that includes two variables, typically denoted as X and Y. Each observation in the data set has corresponding values for both X and Y. Bivariate data is often used to explore and analyze relationships between the two variables.
2. A scatterplot, also known as a scatter diagram or scatter graph, is a graphical representation of bivariate data. In a scatterplot, each observation is represented by a point on the graph, with the X value plotted on the horizontal axis and the Y value plotted on the vertical axis. Scatterplots are commonly used to visually examine the relationship between two variables and identify patterns or trends.
3. An outlier is an observation in a data set that significantly deviates from the pattern or trend exhibited by the majority of the other observations. Outliers can occur due to measurement errors, random chance, or other factors. Identifying and handling outliers is important in data analysis, as they can have a disproportionate influence on statistical results and may need to be treated separately or excluded from the analysis.
needing definitions
1.Bivariate data
2. scatterplot
3. Outlier
1 answer