Perhaps video games are not connected with larger purposes concerning humanity or life.
Maybe that is your argument: Argue that video games are trivial pursuits with no end purpose, and that life is bigger than that.
need to write a paper arguing something with a specific purpose, and the paper needs to be directly toward someone I know. I was thinking of writing it to my friend about video games, but I'm having trouble thinking about an overall purpose for that paper. Are there any other good topics that I could use that could direct toward someone (so probably stay away from global warming, abortion, etc since those don't really go to anyone specifically)? orr does anyone know how I can connect a paper about video games to a larger purpose concerning humanity/life in general?
2 answers
Here are links to many articles discussing video game playing and academic performance. Read through them before you decide whether to take the pro or con stance on this topic:
One question you could ask your friend is this: In light of all these study results, should a young person who has high academic goals allow him/herself to become addicted to these games?
This is just one idea. After you read through several of these articles and conduct your own searches to pursue thoughts these articles generate in your own mind, you most likely will come up with a topic with your own "spin" on it.
One question you could ask your friend is this: In light of all these study results, should a young person who has high academic goals allow him/herself to become addicted to these games?
This is just one idea. After you read through several of these articles and conduct your own searches to pursue thoughts these articles generate in your own mind, you most likely will come up with a topic with your own "spin" on it.