Need some advice!

What to do the with the class for the first time? I don't know the class and they don't know me. They are not children. The youngest person is 20 and the oldest around 35-40- There are 10 of them in the group and they are learning English as a foreign language for the first time. So I can't do anything in English with them. What to do in this case for an hour and a half? Any suggestion?

5 answers
Start with Total Physical Response (TPR) activities in the various sites here. You may be in this mode for several of the first classes, and you'll need to keep using and adding to these ideas to reinforce concepts/words.

Make sure you are VERY familiar and knowledgeable about the Seven Strategies... article here:
There will undoubtedly be others here that will be useful.
Go through Easy Things for Beginners to get ideas. There's a bunch of other information/activities here that will help in the future, too.
Stuff for Teachers has some excellent ideas in it.
Stuff for Students will give you some ideas for the future, too.
Just about everything here should be useful for you in the future, too.
Nice sites but mostly for later. I just can't think of anything I can do with them for the very first time. I would probably do something with them in their mother tongue but can't think of anything :/
Read and use the TPR things. That's how every ESL/EFL teacher I know starts out his/her classes.
always talk English, doesn't matter if it's their first or 32234th class
maybe try using google translate or bing to talk to them. just do how every world language class does. start off with the basics, teach them the alphabet and work your way up. hope this helps! :D