need help with writing final paper.

Pick a country (outside of the United States) and research its correctional system.
„h Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in APA format comparing the American correctional system with that of a foreign country.
o Compare the correctional system of the foreign country you chose with the American correctional system in terms of:
„h Type of system/institutions
„h Management
„h Population/privatization
„h Security levels (if applicable)
„h Prison life
„h An important reformation-type amendment that significantly changed the rights of the prisoners (similar to the Eighth Amendment or Section 1983 reform)
„h Viewpoint on rehabilitation and programs (if any)
„h One type of parole system
„h View on probation and community corrections
o Discuss your opinion of the foreign country¡¦s correctional system as compared to that of the United States.
„h Explain your thoughts on whether any aspects of the United States¡¦ correctional system should be adopted or perhaps changed to reflect aspects of the foreign country¡¦s correctional system.
„h Decide the more effective correctional system, the foreign country¡¦s system or the United States¡¦ system.
„h Explain your rationale.
„h Cite at least three outside references to support your research and rationale

6 answers

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have been sick with flu. essays due tomorrow cant do it at all. cant get out of bed. i go to online college
Please ask your instructor for an extension of your due date.
Please understand that no one else will do your work for you. You should contact your instructor to see if you can get an extension on the assignment deadline because of your illness.


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i asked for an extention. my professor said school policy is no extentions on work.
Then you'd best get busy -- get off this homework website and start in on the assignment.