You get ideas for wisdom by thinking about what you think is wise or defines wisdom.
This Wikipedia article will give you some ideas.
Need help with this--
'Now you're going to write a "wisdom" poem. Your poem can contain any kind of wisdom that inspires you-- it could even be humorous. Remember that poetry is communication through imagery, so even if the bit of wisdom you've chosen as your base is familiar to people, the way you write about it can be fresh. Brainstorm a list of wisdom themes you might like to explore in poetry. Your list should include at least five ideas.'
I have NO idea how to get five ideas on wisdom topics for poetry...I realllly need help with this!
8 answers
Here is my favorite wisdom poem, full of imagery.
I mean, my textbook offers plenty of wisdom poems, especially from the Bible, but I can't think of a topic that I can write about :/
MC -- you have to search your mind and experiences to find out what YOU consider wisdom.
I am trying to show you there are many forms of wisdom, here is some spiritual wisdom
So think, as Ms Sue suggests, of some wise things to do in life, and how to live life. Here is humorous example:
Notice in all of these wisdom scripts, the use of imagary. Think on your own life: what is wise?
So think, as Ms Sue suggests, of some wise things to do in life, and how to live life. Here is humorous example:
Notice in all of these wisdom scripts, the use of imagary. Think on your own life: what is wise?
Some of my favorite bits of wisdom:
The Golden Rule
Never argue with a fool. Bystanders won't be able to tell which is the fool.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference. "
The Golden Rule
Never argue with a fool. Bystanders won't be able to tell which is the fool.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference. "
Thanks to both of you for the help!
You're very welcome. Good luck with your wisdom poem.