"a generalization you've stated..."
What generalizations have you already stated?
Need help with this--
"In this exercise you'll write an essay supporting a generalization you've stated about some topic."
Any ideas for generalizations?
3 answers
Republicans favor business.
Teenagers are seeking their own identities.
Top students work hard.
But I don't like where I can go with any of them, and I can't think of anything more!
Teenagers are seeking their own identities.
Top students work hard.
But I don't like where I can go with any of them, and I can't think of anything more!
Since the assignment reads, " ... a generalization you've stated ... " I don't see that you have much choice unless you can remember others you have written.
Any of those three could become a good paper, no matter what angle you take on it.
Any of those three could become a good paper, no matter what angle you take on it.