Need help with my essay

The pear tree, mules, checkers, the hurricane, and the horizon occur throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God. Choose one of these symbols and discuss its significance throughout the novel.

Be sure to give at least one quote or sound byte per paragraph as your data/evidence. Then, discuss how this symbol supports one or more of Hurston's themes (gender roles and relations; voice, language, and storytelling; desire, love, and independence; power, judgement, and jealousy, race and racism). Even though you will discuss theme, remember that the symbol is the central focus of your essay. You are discussing what it is Hurston wants readers to see and understand about her theme(s) through the use of symbols.

This should be a minimum of FIVE paragraphs and approximately 1500 words (3 pages). You need an introduction with a strong, arguable thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion that ties together your thesis and evidence. While you may use first person, please limit it. I do not want you to say "I think" or "In my opinion" at any point in this essay. Work on sophistication.

You should use proper MLA formatting and include a Work Cited page which includes the novel and any secondary sources you may have used to support your argument.

site any sources you do use properly to

1 answer

support your argument.