C'mon. I showed you how to do this, in fact, I did all but calculate it for you.
M x L = M x L
2.5L x 0.1M = ?L x 12M
?L = 2.5 x 0.1/12 = 0.0208
Take 0.0208 L(20.8 mL of the 12M HCL); place in a 2.5L volumetric flask, add water to the mark. That will give you 2.5L of 0.1M HCl. From your post it is unclear how many significant figures you have; therefore, that is up to you. If that is 2.50L, 0.100M, and 12.0M, then the answer is 20.8 mL.
Need Help!! Describe how to make 2.5L of 0.1M HCL solution from 12M HCL concentrated solution and water.
I got help earlier but still could not figure out the calculations. Please help, it has been a while since i took chemistry.
Thank you soo much
1 answer