Need a little help. I know the meaning but finding difficulty with popular usage for these terms..
What differences did you find between the popular usage and actual definitions? for Karma, Reincarnation, Yoga, Guru and Chakras.
Karma means action and the result of action. Karma I thibnk is if you do something bad to someone else..something bad would happen to you and vice versa if something good.
What would a popular usage be for Karma?
Reincarnation is the soul leaving the body and re-entering a new one. One takes birth again and again in countless bodies.
Yoga is a union with your true self. Yoga for meditative people is the path of mental concentration. Yoga for rational people is the path of rational inquiry. Yoga for active people is the path of right action.
A Guru is a spiritual guide or a spiritual leader. A guru achieves spiritual status that seekers aspire. A Guru gives advice, encourages and gives examples to people seeking enlightenment.
Chakras are subtle energy centers along the spine; a pathway.
Thanks for the help! :o)
2 answers
With reincarnation, one doesn't need to fear death if he has lived a good life -- because he will come back as even a higher caste person.
Many of my friends practice yoga on a daily or at least a weekly basis.
Think of a teacher or other adult you know who has been like a guru to you. I think the term also suits our Jiskha tutor, GuruBlue.
Chakra -- why is getting a back massage so great?
This gets me off to a great start