Nazi Germany showcased the unbelievable power of propaganda. Hitler was a huge proponent of the use of propaganda; writing in Mein Kampfan autobiographical book by Adolph Hitler, published in 1925 in 1926 that, “Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea.” After the Nazis seized power in 1933, Hitler quickly established a Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, headed by Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry’s mission was to ensure that Nazi ideas of racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Bolshevism became popular in Germany. The Nazi message was communicated through art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational materials, and the press. Through every medium of culture, the German people were assaulted by the message that non-Jewish German people represented a better race, that the Germans had suffered unfairly after World War I, and that this suffering was the fault of “inferior” races. Films portrayed Jews as rat-like creatures that infiltrated societies. Newspapers ran editorials and comics that supported this view. Later, as the Germans began to lose World War II, the Nazis used propaganda to convince ordinary Germans that they were actually still winning and that citizens should continue their support for the war effort.

What does the word "Proponent" suggest about Hitlers views on the use of propraganda
Complete the sentence in the space below the word "proponent" suggests that

7 answers

the word "proponent" suggests that Hitler strongly supported and advocated for the use of propaganda as a powerful tool to shape public opinion and manipulate the beliefs of the populace in favor of Nazi ideologies.

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The word "proponent" suggests that Hitler was a big supporter of using propaganda to influence people's thoughts and help spread Nazi ideas.

What does the word "assaulted" reveal about how the nazi message waas shared with the German citizens

The word "assaulted" reveals that the Nazi message was spread in a very aggressive and overwhelming way. It suggests that the ideas were forced upon the German citizens repeatedly and intensely, leaving little room for them to think critically or resist the message.

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The word "assaulted" shows that the Nazis pushed their message on the German people very forcefully. It means they bombarded people with these ideas a lot, making it hard for them to ignore or think differently.