Natural Selection Unit Test Answers (14 questions/Too lazy to write every answer out, but you'll know which one I mean)
1. Conclusion supported by data : Penguins with short wings were more easily picked off by predators
Penguins with long wings were considered better mates
Penguins with long wings were able to swim longer to get more food
Conclusion not supported by Data:
Penguins with short wings had an advantage
Penguins with short wings were stronger swimmers and able to evade predators better
2. The available food changed, the small beaked birds could not readily adapt and they began to die out
3. The leaves will be destroyed and the green bettle population would decline
4. The lighter moth population will have better change of survival due to camouflage
5. A warming climate and less snowfall
6. Decrease in population until they possibly become extinct
7. Organisms produced via artificial selection are not capable of natural reproduction
8. [Gene therapy]
9. Selective breeding
10. Inbreeding
11. Genetically modified
12. The insects may be the natural food of several species of bird.
13. Two nutritious species of potatoes to breed
14. The stronger, more resistant bacteria survived the antibiotics and reproduced.
15. The environment has a greater amount of long nectar tubed flowers and short nectar tubed flowers causing disruptive selection in medium bill length birds
16. Decreased wing length has allowed for barn swallows to take flight and fly faster to evade cats
1 answer