

Mohandas Gandhi

Non Violent Protest




Mao Zedong

Great Leap Forward

Cultural Revolution

Red Guard

Tiananmen Square

U.S. Policy of Containment of Communism

Domino Theory

Foreign Involvement
give me the term for these words

1 answer

- Nationalism: devotion to one's own nation; patriotism
- Independence: freedom from control or influence of others
- Mohandas Gandhi: Indian leader who advocated for nonviolent resistance against British rule
- Non Violent Protest: peaceful demonstration or resistance without the use of physical force
- India: country in South Asia known for its diverse culture and history
- WWII: World War II, a global conflict that took place from 1939 to 1945
- Communism: a political ideology advocating for a classless society where the means of production are owned by the community
- Mao Zedong: Chinese Communist leader who led the People's Republic of China from 1949 until his death in 1976
- Great Leap Forward: China's economic and social campaign led by Mao Zedong in the late 1950s and early 1960s
- Cultural Revolution: Mao Zedong's movement in China from 1966 to 1976 aimed at preserving communism and eradicating capitalist and traditional values
- Red Guard: group of young Chinese students who were radical supporters of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution
- Tiananmen Square: site of a pro-democracy protest in Beijing, China in 1989 that resulted in a violent government crackdown
- U.S. Policy of Containment of Communism: strategy adopted by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism
- Domino Theory: belief that if one country falls to communism, neighboring countries will also fall in succession
- Foreign Involvement: participation or intervention by a foreign country in the affairs of another country