Nation States and Monarchies Quick Check
Which of the following accurately evaluates the development of feudalism as a power structure?
Feudalism was created by the pope as an effective thank you for Charlemagne’s support.
Feudalism was created by feudal monarchs out of a need to provide knights with employment during peacetime.
Feudalism developed as an effective way to provide stability during a chaotic period. ✅
Feudalism was an inefficient way to decentralize power and lasted for a short time.
Which of the following provides effective reasoning that explains why the title of Holy Roman Empire was largely a symbolic source of authority?
It was created in 400 CE and had very little power when Charlemagne inherited it.
It did not have its own military and was extremely fragmented. ✅
It was given by the Byzantine ruler and he had very little power.
It was closely aligned with the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Which of the following statements best describes the development of England as a nation-state
As the need for protection gradually decreased, feudalism was replaced by monarchs who ruled by laws and legal precedent. Eventually, Parliament became more powerful than the monarch. ✅
After William the Conqueror became king of England, he enacted the Doomsday Book and other legal precents that established that Parliament and the monarch would rule England as equal powers.
When Parliament was established by the Romans, the idea of rule by legal precedent began in England. Over time, Parliament lost power and the king became the absolute power in England, which continues today.
After William the Conqueror became king of England, he passed the Magna Carta, which created Parliament.
Identify which of the following is a key geographic feature of medieval England.
exclusively inland territories without access to water
land below sea level
coastal territories ✅
Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.
Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.
Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided. ✅
Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land.
Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.
5/5 Have a nice day! :)
1 answer
1. Feudalism developed as an effective way to provide stability during a chaotic period. ✅
- This is correct. Feudalism developed in response to the need for local protection and order in the absence of strong centralized governments during the early Middle Ages.
2. It did not have its own military and was extremely fragmented. ✅
- This is a valid point. The Holy Roman Empire was indeed fragmented into various principalities and lacked centralized control, making the title more symbolic than indicative of actual political power.
3. As the need for protection gradually decreased, feudalism was replaced by monarchs who ruled by laws and legal precedent. Eventually, Parliament became more powerful than the monarch. ✅
- This fits the historical development of England, especially with the growth of common law and the assertion of Parliament's rights against monarchic authority over time.
4. Coastal territories ✅
- Correct. England is an island nation with an extensive coastline, which played a significant role in its maritime activities, trade, and defense.
5. Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided. ✅
- True. Feudal society was based on a hierarchical system where peasants (or serfs) worked the land and, in return, received protection from the feudal lord.
Your self-assessment indicates a good understanding of these historical concepts. Have a nice day as well! 😊