You will have to write your own poems.
Here is an example of how to write an acrostic poem:
The first letters of each line must be S O C C E and R, in that order.
Note the correct spelling of "acrostic".
The last line might be "Real Madrid wins again".
Limericks have a particular cadence, and are fun to write.
Narrative ,free verse, limerick,acrosstic poems about soccer
4 answers
Write me acrostic if u can please
Oh, my! You really want us to cheat for you? That would be depriving you of using your brain.
We'll be glad to HELP you if you're stuck on a line of the poem.
We'll be glad to HELP you if you're stuck on a line of the poem.
I was hoping you'd ask for a limerick instead. Here is one I found online:
There was a goalkeeper named Walter
Who played on the island of Malta.
But his kicks were so long
And the wind was so strong,
That the ball ended up in Gibraltar.
There was a goalkeeper named Walter
Who played on the island of Malta.
But his kicks were so long
And the wind was so strong,
That the ball ended up in Gibraltar.