Name two types of evidence used to support the theory of evolution explain how scientists use each type of evidence to provide support for evolution. give one example of each

32 answers

There are 5 ways anatomical organs, embroynical evidence, fossils, evolution by stages and molecular phylogeny....
Fossils gives us various link indicating that who evolved from whom Eg..Archoepteryx has both avian n repatatilon feature that indicate that birds evolved reptiles
Homologous organs gives us the evidence of divergent evolution...
24. Name two types of evidence used too support the theory of evolution. Explain how scientists use each type of evidence to provide support for evolution. Give one example of each one.
1. Molecular evidence: similar proteins and genes found in closely related species, even if those genes are not used by an organism.
2. Fossil evidence: organisms changing form over time through the fossil record.
hope these help :D
I got a 12% for that
im now failing science:(
but is it molecular and fossil evidence??
Actually suB2Plapper is right about fossil evidence.....

Fossil evidence is when people find fossils and compare them with other fossils from other animals to see if they are the same species or different species, or if they found a new one.

Hope this help on the 1st one idk but yeah
Man, I wish people would just ANSWER.
But, please stop speaking in other languages, unless you really do, but even then, this is an english-speaking site. 🙂
Thank you! On as....
Karana something or
The Japanese message says: Well, actually learn it and stop complaining.
fax lmao, and if you got a 12% you should learned the other questions.
this is just for one question.
its a
What school do you go to POtty?
ok tarana imma have some dinner all up in here
ok POtty
POtty I Go there to!!!!
Whats your real name?
NO WAY!!!!!!!! in Mrs Johnsons class Ellianaah Kylie Ruiz
Imma say all the kids in that class Ellianaah,Brooklyn,Sarah,Emerson,Lexa,Rylie,Faith,Ruby,Kiylee,Phoenix,PJ,Jase,Jade Niyah,Rebekah,Elsey,Ryan,Dylan,Jake,Max,Matthew,Felix,Briana,Koryn,Lia,Rayleigh,Madison,Delta,Toree,Maeci,Addison,Kelly,Emie,Ariana and Lacie
yes.... you didnt have to do that but I am not gonna be here tommorow
because I threw up in last period today. I still got homework tho :( imma finish my dinner bye
(PS: is this Emie or Ariana)
Bye.... and its Emie
I just got back here and WOW
Omg someone actually help
Still don't understand plz can someone explain it simply I ain't that smart...
fossil and molecular evidence
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