Name two geographic obstacles and one political obstacle that stood in the way of the construction of the

Panama Canal. How did engineers and politicians overcome these obstacles?

9 answers
Thanks Ms. Sue! I needed that for school, and that site really helped me.
You are so welcome have a nice day!
X3 ISayRawr Did you find the answer? Was Ms. Sue helpful to you?
I couldn't find the answers i was looking for in the web page could you tell me where to find them?
Uhh. Not an option, doesn't help anyways. Cora, didn't a Social Studies teacher named 'Anyomonuys' call your home because he knew you as a student?
2 different answers...Panama was very mountainous and too much volcanic activity in Nicaragua were geographical obstacles. A political obstacle was the United States had to negotiate with Colombia to obtain the right to build a canal in Panama.

They blasted through tons of mountain stone and built a complex series of locks to move ships across the isthmus. The U.S. and Columbia signed the 1903 Hay-Herran Treaty.


Two geographic obstacles that stood in the way of the construction of the Panama Canal were the fact that Panama was very mountainous and Nicaragua had volcanoes.
One political obstacle that stood in the way of the construction of the Panama Canal was the fact that Great Britain feared that the U.S. would use the canal for national advantage.

In order to overcome the political issue the U.S. and Great Britain signed the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty which made the 1850 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty null. The geographic issues were settled by choosing Panama over Nicaragua and then blasting through mountains.
Ms. Sue was the only help. Willow is a jerk. Don’t listen to willow. He is a !@#$%^& hole
Thanks, Willow ;3