Name this major key signature.
A grand staff has one sharp to indicate the key signature. The time signature is four-four.
(1 point)
G major
G major
C major
C major
A major
A major
B major
B major
5 answers
The correct answer is G major.
A triad is constructed out of what notes?
(1 point)
root, third, fifth
root, third, fifth
base, third, seventh
base, third, seventh
first, second, fifth
first, second, fifth
root, second, seventh
(1 point)
root, third, fifth
root, third, fifth
base, third, seventh
base, third, seventh
first, second, fifth
first, second, fifth
root, second, seventh
The correct answer is root, third, fifth.
Lowering the top note in a major interval by one half-step creates which of the following?
(1 point)
a major interval
a major interval
a minor interval
a minor interval
a tonic tote
a tonic tote
an octave leap
(1 point)
a major interval
a major interval
a minor interval
a minor interval
a tonic tote
a tonic tote
an octave leap
Lowering the top note in a major interval by one half-step creates a minor interval.