Name the great lakes the Buffalo Bills
would cruise across if sailing to their
I don't like pigskin geography very much, what does it have to do with social studies...I mean who cares how loud a bullfrog can be. I can't find out #14 on Week #6. It is Neil Simon will recive the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor on October 15th. One of "Twain's" stories is "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County". Which host city is nearest the location of the story?
This is how you can try to solve the question. Look on the sheet that tells you where the buffalo bills are going. Take a map and then draw a line from buffalo to the place they are going, (chicago.) They will cross three lakes, the first one should be Huron.
i reaallllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyy stink
u reall suk
do i stink so bad
2 answers
i need help with homework guy :]lzzz