Name the fallacy being described:
7. A misunderstanding due to the grammar of the sentence. _________________________
8. Assuming what is true of the whole is true of the parts. _________________________
9. Rejecting or affirming a position simply because of its age. _________________________
10. Changing the definition of a key word in mid-argument. _________________________
11. “Everybody’s doing it.” _________________________
12. Dismissing an argument since you know why it is believed. _________________________
13. An appeal to a lack of information; arguing from silence. _________________________
14. A fallacy that arises in ambiguity because of the emphasis placed on a particular word or phrase in the argument.
15. The fallacy created when only two alternatives are presented when in fact others possibilities exist.
16. The Loch Ness monster must exist because no one has yet shown that it doesn’t. ____________________
im having a problem with this because it's not in my book! someone PLEASE help me!!!!!
1 answer
Read carefully.