Name the factors, morals, setting, and characterists of the characters in this passage:
"Trel could not suppress his laugh, he raised his fist and the trasnos began to reload.
“Breathe,” Li Yu whispered to himself, tears kept falling from his blue eyes, now clouded by the death they had thus far seen. He took a few steps closer to the merlons and raised himself into one of the crenels, he stood there, two steps away from the end of it all.
Trel opened his fist and a second volley of boulders came, the first one flew toward Li Yu, who accepted his fate. He closed his eyes and the boulder struck the battlements, Li Yu was no more. The mayor of Dozyad and the friend of Lissy was now dead.
A large hole now appeared in the battlements, the gate grew further dented, the tower of Lissy leaned to one side and with a massive stony groan it fell slowly back wards crashing into a part of the city and now leaving an opening into the palace through the western side.
Waxvog and Trel stood on the eastern side and gave the order not to enter, Trel intended to raze the palace. He raised his fist and clenched it as the forest trasnos began to reloading sliding boulders into place and snapping the launchers ready.
Then they were loaded and Trel was ready to open his hand, he raised his fist and would have opened it, but he pulled it back when a horn called out over the war-torn landscape."
7 answers
Morals: none explicitly stated
Setting: a city under attack, with a palace and battlements
Characteristics: Trel - aggressor, enjoys violence, willing to destroy everything; Li Yu - resigned to his fate, mournful, possibly a pacifist; Waxvog - follower, takes orders from Trel; Trasnos - efficient at loading and launching boulders; Lissy - unknown, other than being a friend of Li Yu and mayor of Dozyad; Horn caller - unknown, interrupts the attack.