Name four setting and marking tools and give a brief description of how each one is used

1 answer

1. Ruler: A ruler is a straight-edged tool typically made of plastic, metal, or wood, marked with units of measurement. It is used to measure and mark straight lines or distances on paper, fabric, or other materials.

2. Compass: A compass is a tool used to draw or measure circles and arcs. It consists of a pointed leg that serves as the center of the circle and a pencil or pen leg that marks the circumference. Compasses are commonly used in drafting, geometry, and technical drawing.

3. Marking pencil: A marking pencil is a tool used to make temporary marks on various materials such as fabric, wood, metal, or paper. Marking pencils come in different colors and types, such as chalk, wax, or water-soluble, and are used for indicating measurements, markings, or design details.

4. Square: A square is a tool with a flat, straight edge and a right-angled corner. It is used to mark or check the squareness of corners, edges, or lines, ensuring that they are perpendicular or aligned correctly. Squares are commonly used in carpentry, woodworking, metalworking, and drafting.