Name _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________


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1. “He had seen it both times. Squinting toward the sky...almost a blur at its high speed.”
2. “For a contributing was a final decision, a terrible punishment, and overwhelming
statement of failure.”
3. “‘Who wants to be the first tonight?’ Jonas’s father asked...It was one of the [evening] rituals.”
4. “Maybe we could keep him,” Lily suggested sweetly, trying to look innocent. The look was
fake, Jonas knew; they all knew...‘Lily,” Mother reminded her, smiling ‘you know the rules.’”
5. “‘You know,’ his father finally said, ‘every December was exciting to me when I was
young...Each December brings changes.”

Read the following quotations and explain what is happening at this particular moment in the novel.
Be sure your explanation includes any important plot information and any related characters.


Name _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________

© Presto Plans
1. “‘Lily!’ Mother spoke very sharply. ‘Don’t say that. There’s very little honor in that Assignment.’”

2. “Just for an instant. It had changed in mid-air, he remembered. Then it was in his hand,
and he looked at it carefully.”

3. “‘Your turn, Larissa,’ he said, reading the nametag on the woman’s robe. ‘I’ll just start the
water and then help you up.”

4. “‘Well, they tried to make her life sound meaningful...But Edna. My goodness. She was a
Birthmother, and then she worked in Food Production for years, until she came here.’”

answer like a 12 year old would

1 answer


  1. In this first quote, it seems like Jonas is watching something unusual in the sky. It’s moving really fast, and he’s squinting to see it better. This could be something important that connects to the theme of seeing things clearly or understanding what is happening in their society.

  2. This quote shows that in the community, being a contributing citizen is really important. If someone fails, it’s seen as a big deal, almost like getting punished. It highlights how serious everyone takes their roles and decisions, which is a big part of the story.

  3. Here, Jonas's father is asking their family who wants to share something about their day as part of their evening rituals. This shows how the family values sharing feelings and experiences, and it’s a way for them to connect. It also builds the idea that their community has specific traditions.

  4. This quote shows a conversation about adopting a new child. Lily is sweetly suggesting to keep a child, but Jonas knows that it wouldn’t be allowed because there are rules. This shows how strict their society is about family and roles, and that even children are aware of these rules.

  5. When Jonas's father talks about December, it reveals his excitement about the changes that come each year. This is a moment of nostalgia for him, showing that growing up is special. Each December means something new, which adds to the build-up of what changes Jonas will face soon.


  1. In this moment, Lily says something that causes her mother to react strongly. She warns Lily that what she said isn’t honorable. This is important because it shows how serious the community is about roles and how they want to uphold certain values, even in young kids.

  2. This quote describes when Jonas sees something unusual in the air, and it changes suddenly before it ends up in his hand. It’s a significant moment since it suggests Jonas is beginning to see things differently, hinting at his ability to perceive beyond what others can see.

  3. In this quote, Jonas is helping an elderly woman named Larissa. This shows his caring nature and the way people in the community take care of each other, especially the elderly, which is a valued part of their society. It highlights the theme of community support.

  4. Here, characters are discussing Edna's life and how others tried to make it sound good, but it really wasn’t that great. The mention of her being a Birthmother and then working at Food Production suggests that her life lacks excitement or purpose, which reflects on how the community views people's roles and experiences. It gives insight into how limited their choices are and sets the stage for Jonas's feelings about his own future.