Name and explain 2 laws/legislations that protect citizens against the human trafficking

1 answer

1. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA): Enacted in 2000, this U.S. federal law provides a comprehensive set of measures to prevent, prosecute, and protect victims of human trafficking. The law includes provisions for the prosecution of traffickers, protection and assistance for victims of trafficking, and prevention and education programs. The TVPA also requires the U.S. Department of State to publish an annual report on the status of human trafficking around the world, which serves as a diplomatic tool to encourage other countries to take action against trafficking.

2. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children: This international treaty, also called the Palermo Protocol, was adopted by the United Nations in 2000 and has been ratified by 177 countries. The Protocol provides a common definition of human trafficking and encourages member states to criminalize trafficking, protect and assist victims, promote international cooperation, and address the root causes of trafficking. The Palermo Protocol also recognizes that trafficking disproportionately affects women and children and requires member states to ensure their rights and best interests are protected.