Name a plant OR animal that lived during the time period (1 point)

What did it eat? OR if you chose a plant, how did it survive? (1 point)

What was its habitat? Why did it live in this particular habitat? (1 point)

What do its fossils look like? Where have its fossils been found?

(1 point)


1 answer

Animal: Tyrannosaurus rex

Diet: Tyrannosaurus rex was a carnivore, primarily eating large herbivorous dinosaurs such as Triceratops and hadrosaurs, as well as scavenging on carcasses when the opportunity arose.

Habitat: Tyrannosaurus rex inhabited floodplains and forests in what is now western North America. This habitat provided an environment rich with food sources and opportunities for hunting, as well as some cover for ambushing prey.

Fossil Description and Locations: Fossils of Tyrannosaurus rex are characterized by large, robust bones, including a massive skull with sharp teeth adapted for gripping and tearing flesh. Fossils have been discovered in various locations across the western United States, particularly in Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, as well as parts of Canada. Notably, sites such as the Hell Creek Formation have yielded numerous T. rex fossils.