NaCl (aq)+(NH4)2CrO4 (aq)=Na(NH4)2 (aq)+ClCro4 (s)

Is this equation balanced correctly?

3 answers

NaCl (aq) + (NH4)2CrO4(aq) ==> Na(NH4)2 (aq)+ClCro4 (s)
I didn't bother to check it for balancing. The equation you've written is not correct. The reactants will not react to give any products, much less what you have proposed.
My apologies. The correct equation is:
NaCl (aq)+(NH4)2CrO4 (aq)= NaCrO4 (aq)+Cl(NH4)2(aq)
I am having a hard time balancing this equation

My other question: Since all of the reactants are soluble, is it possible to write a C.I.E and N.I.E for them.

Thank You
That equation still is not correct. First it is Na2CrO4. Second it is NH4Cl. If that were correct it would be easy enough to balance; however, as I wrote earlier those products will NOT form. NaCl and (NH4)2CrO4 on the reactant side are soluble. On the product side both Na2CrO4 and NH4Cl are soluble. Therefore, no reaction takes place. You simply get a solution of Na^+, Cl^-, NH4^+ and CrO4^2- and everything is mixed up. Just a mixing of ions. Remember the reasons for a reaction to occur.
1. A ppt (solid) is formed.
2. A gas is formed.
3. A slightly ionized material is formed
4. A redox reaction occurs.
None of the products is 1,2,3 or 4 so no reaction occurs.

As for your second question, since no reaction occurs then and ICE chart is not appropriate. I don't know what an NIE is but I'm guessing the same thing is true, and for the same reason, as the ICE.
BTW, the reason you can't balance the equation, even though it doesn't occur, is because you don't have the right formulas for the two salts on the right side.