n one paragraph, 3 to 5 sentences, write an alternate ending, conclusion, resolution to the Pixar short video, "For the Birds."
The conclusion should follow narrative format.
The conclusion should include one piece of conversation punctuated in correct dialogue.
The conclusion should include one narrative element such as solution, growth, new knowledge or a reflection.
The conclusion should be written in complete sentence format.
1 answer
As the small bird fluttered down from the powerline to join the group of larger birds, the tension in the air was palpable. However, instead of being met with jeers and taunts, the big birds welcomed the little one with open wings. The smallest bird hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to react to this unexpected show of acceptance. Finally, one of the big birds spoke up, "We may be different sizes, but we're all birds, and that's what matters." With a new sense of unity and understanding, the birds all took off into the sky together, forming a beautiful display of colorful feathers against the setting sun. Through this encounter, they learned that despite their differences, they could still come together and enjoy each other's company.