He visited yesterday with those symptoms, and you did not send him to the hospital for testing for stroke? Your only hope for not having financial ruin is that he has had these symptoms for several years. Anticlotting drugs are approved for treatment of strokes if it is within three hours of onset, and seem to be effective. But if if is longer than that, one needs to asertain if there are clots, and the location. Health professionals ought to recognize heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest symptoms IMMEDIATELY. Nurses drill on this over and over, at least the nurses I know. Teachers ought to be able to recognize these, and both types of seizures, which surprisingly, petit mal and myoclonic are often undiagnosed but rather common in children.
I hope this helps. However, the question using "yesterday" is a bother to me, I wonder if this is a trick question. However, you didn't state the actual question.
Myelin visited my office yesterday complaining of numbness in his right leg and face. He has also been experiencing muscle weakness and mild depression. I noticed a delay in his visual response in both eyes
3 answers
I just answered this for my class and though it might be MS.
suffereing from tetanus