To calculate your overall grade after receiving a 94% on your assignment, you first need to determine how much the assignment is worth in relation to your term work.
If your term work is worth 70%, then your assignment accounts for 70% of your term work because it is part of it.
To find the contribution of your assignment to your overall grade, multiply the percentage you received on the assignment (94%) by the weight of the term work (70%):
94% x 70% = 0.94 x 0.70 = 0.658 or 65.8%.
Next, you need to consider your culminating, which is worth 30% of your overall grade.
To find the contribution of your culminating to your overall grade, multiply your culminating grade percentage (30%) by 30%:
30% x 0.30 = 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.09 or 9%.
Now, add the contributions of your assignment (65.8%) and your culminating (9%):
65.8% + 9% = 74.8%.
So, your overall grade would be 74.8%.
my term work is worth 70% of my overall grade and 30% is my culminating. I received a 94% on my assignment which is part of my term work my grade was a 77%, what is it at now ?
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