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My teacher wants me to reword"moving out of the" in this sentence ''Instead of moving out of the marriage''. I cant think of anything. pls help
7 answers
Instead of moving out of the marriage, Ruby thinks the only way to cope with the situation and yet ignore Johnwoodrow is to start smoking and drinking.
Instead of dissolving the marriage . . .
Thanks. I have one more. I have to rephrase the word "moves on"
Inspite of her experience with Johnwoodrow, Ruby moves on forgiving him after his death but did not give up her bad habit-smoking.
Inspite of her experience with Johnwoodrow, Ruby moves on forgiving him after his death but did not give up her bad habit-smoking.
I'd just eliminate the words "moves on."
Ruby forgives him . . .
Ruby forgives him . . .
ok thanks.
You're welcome.