My teacher told us to write a three-page of an academic essay. My topic is, "Horace as a Satirist"...but i don't know where and how to start...please help me guys...thanks a lot...

11 answers

Didn't you read through the information I posted for you earlier today?

Do you need help with the information or the planning/writing of the essay?

You've received some good sources for satire and for Horace. Please study those.

You could begin with a definition of satire. Then state how Horace used this genre to make his points.
You also asked about this back in August. Has it been assigned that long?

Yah! Actually, i got all the sources but i haven't read it all...i just really don't know how to start...
You start by reading the sources and taking notes on them. Please do not try to write something without knowing what you're talking about.
do i have to state the life of horace??
Yah! that was assigned to us last August but at the end of the month,she said we don't need it anymore...but then she again change her mind...
This is an excellent website that will lead you through the writing process. Don't skip any steps.

(Broken Link Removed)
This, too, will take you through the process, including researching.

You should probably include a concise paragraph about Horace's life in general, including the fact that he wrote in other genres besides satire. This section, however, should be brief and to the point. The focus of your paper is Horace as a satirist, so you'd concentrate on what he wrote that is considered satire and what he was satirizing in then-Roman times.
thanks a lot to Ms. Sue and Writeacher...
You're very welcome. Good luck with your essay.
A side note.

When we were studying in Italy several years ago, we visited the remains of Horace's villa. The only other person there, aside from our small group, was the caretaker. Although I don't understand Italian, the caretaker mesmerized us for an hour by reciting some of Horace's poetry.