My teacher told my to do all these sentences over but i don't know what is wrong with them ?? Well here are the sentences :

I need a radar for my aunt because she drives way to fast.
In gifted and talented I wrote a story about a groundhog that saw it's shadow.
We get biography class in high school.
My baby cousin doesn't know what is a document.

6 answers

I'll list the phrases in which you have an error.

way to fast

saw it's shadow

get biography class (Is there such a class?)

what is a document

How do you think these phrases can be corrected?
she goes fast
it had seen it's shadow
I read a biography book in class about Helen Keller.
what a document folder is
I think you've misunderstood.

Is it?
way to fast
way too fast
way two fast

saw it's shadow
saw its shadow

biography class
biology class

The last one should be:

what a document is
Thank you Ms.Sue!!~~ That helped me a lot with me homework !!~~~~Thx !!~~~~
You're welcome. I'll be glad to check your answers, to be sure they're right.
My teacher said that it was very good!! ~~~~ Thx !!~~~~