My teacher says that I "diddled" on last week's exam, and so he is taking away half of my points. What is "diddle?"
In this case, "diddled" probably means that you wasted time or cheated on the exam. Because this word has many different meanings, please ask your teacher to explain what he meant.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In addition to a dictionary, a good Thesaurus will help you with synonyms. May I say your teacher was NOT very kind!
diddle = to waste time, as in trifiling, dawdle, fiddle
Oh my; I did none of those things. I did not cheat or waste time. I will talk to my teacher at once. Perhaps this is because I finished my test nearly a half hour before the rest of class?
Oh my God! I looked up the word. Unbelievable! I cannot even believe what I am reading. I have had almost enough of "Dynamic English" class. I think it is time for me to defenestrate this class and try another program. Teacher is very bad and has offensive sense of humor, not appropriate to classroom. I am sorry if my grammar is not good right now, but I am very upset - you understand?
They are making us read John Wesley's "A Plain Account of Christian Perfection" as our 'example text' of 'dynamic English.' It is an aweful book... very boring and the English is actually not modern, but primitive English from I think the 18th or 19th century. It has nothing to do with speaking English. I hate it!
According to Bobpursley, another meaning for the word "diddle" is a slang term from his Navy days -- to cheat.
Your teacher was definitely NOT kind and, as Ms. Sue suggests, you should ask the teacher what he (she?) meant by the remark.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Since this book has to do with English from the year 1725, to the year 1777 and the following is a definition of Dynamic English (TESOL) you might like to peruse this site to see if your course is truly following the format:
(Broken Link Removed)
That book is a great book, a fundamental Christian text. However, it is in language that is NOT suitable for a person who is learning English. John Wesley wrote in the 1740 period onward. The words, the structure of the language is substantually different than that today.
I cannot conceive of a teacher of English who would assign this text to his students who are learning to speak English as a second language.
How unfortunate! Seems to me the teacher may not enjoy her job.
Perhaps you should try Rosetta Stone CDs???
3 answers
yes, I know this comment was a decade ago. -_-
This post seems like it was a convo between users and seems affected by the modern format..