My teacher asked me to do these questions instead of the ones on the test. Could someone please help me with them?

How did the development of the caste system affect society in India?
Summarize the factors that led to the decline of the Han empire.

1 answer

From Internet:

Marriages: Most Indian marriages are arranged by parents. Several factors were considered by them for finding the ideal spouse. Out of which, one’s caste is a significant factor. People do not want their son or their daughter to marry a person from another caste. Just like the word “untouchables” suggests, a Brahmin would never marry a person from an SC or ST caste.
Education: Public universities have caste-based reservations for students coming from underprivileged backgrounds. A person from this background can secure a seat in a top tier college with par or below par academic scores based on reservation. However, impoverished Brahmans are disadvantaged with this reservation system. For example, a Brahman has to score 100% on certain exams to get into a top tier university. While the lower caste applicant can even bypass the exam for getting a seat in the university.
Jobs: A significant amount of public sector jobs are allocated based on caste reservation. Impoverished communities from Brahman backgrounds get affected significantly because of this reservation.

The 3 key factors that led to the decline of the Han empire are disease, political problems, and the inability to maintain order of the public. The fall of the Han empire was mainly caused by emperors who neglected their duties.