to convert PERCENT to DECIMAL, we move 2 decimal places to the LEFT. thus for 0.06%, we move 2 decimal places, and it becomes:
now we know the decimal, we can convert this to fraction. first we count the places to the right of decimal point. there are 4 decimal places (the three zeros and the six). then we write this decimal to a whole number by moving the decimal point 4 places to the right, and it becomes
0.0006 -> 6
finally we divide this by 10000 (note that there are 4 zeros because there are 4 decimal places)
we can further simplify this by dividing both numerator and denominator by 2:
hope this helps~ :)
My question is:
WRite the percent as a fraction and as a decimal.
I don't know how many places I need to move that decimal to convert this percent into a decimal.
2 answers
Write the expression in terms of common logarithms, and then give a calculator approximation (correct to four decimal places).
log_(9) \(77\) =
log_(9) \(77\) =