My project is research based... I chose plastic surgery.... Question is: why have you chosen this task? ( in the box below write a paragraph explaining why you have selected your particualar task idea.)
I really cant think of why i chose plastic surgery among all the other ones... But please help me with some dot jot points that i can expand on...
4 answers
If you don't know why you chose it, we sure don't. Maybe you chose the wrong task.
Thts not wat i expected from you. I am sure i chose the right one otherwise i wouldnt tell u. Because that would literally be wasting my time as well as yours. So from that u should know i chose the rite one. I don't know which is why i was asking you. What are u supposed to help me is with helping me figure out what is good about plastic surgery than the other surgical fields. Also mm.. Something about how maybe it is a more preferred field in the surgical areas. I thought atleast u would know this.
You may find the information you need in these sites.
Kaitlin ~
What an incredibly rude response you posted to Ms. Sue. I'm amazed that she even replied to you, not to mention gave you links to help you with your project.
Please understand these things:
1. No one here is a mind-reader. You need to state your questions clearly or you could be misunderstood.
2. Rudeness is not tolerated here, especially after someone has tried to help you.
If you develop some online manners, you might be able to post questions again in the future.
What an incredibly rude response you posted to Ms. Sue. I'm amazed that she even replied to you, not to mention gave you links to help you with your project.
Please understand these things:
1. No one here is a mind-reader. You need to state your questions clearly or you could be misunderstood.
2. Rudeness is not tolerated here, especially after someone has tried to help you.
If you develop some online manners, you might be able to post questions again in the future.