My parents always told me to brush my teeth morning and night, nevertheless it was not until high school that I actually realized why I did that. So let us presume my parents learned from their school and encouraged me, but if a villager living in a shanty town does not know the importance of oral health, how will his children learn? Who is there to teach them?. Becoming aware of oral diseases and their cause is the most eminent thing that the unfortunate community requires the most and suffers the greatest. As a student in the united states i am not just aquring an internationally recognized education but an economical one.In addition, the money that i will save here will help me fulfill my lifes dream: to open a free if charge dental clinic with oral health classes in Pakistan. Even with the proficiency in speaking and knowing Arabic, Urdu besides English I possess a desire to master additional languages. Along with hearing people I also want to target the deaf community. Learning and understanding dialects will make it easier for me to reach and aid the poverty struck communities in third world countries, and I will also be able to comfort regular patients to provide them with a successful dental treatment. Whether there is a lack of knowledge, language difficulties, a disability, poorness or just ignorance, the entirety of my plan is to guide and support these people. Oral/dental care, and in fact any kind of prudence towards the body is one's duty; however, if they are unaware, it is the educated people's responsibility to foster them before their illiteracy causes them harm. Protecting oral hygiene can save one from costly diseases. With my clinic and language skills I want to make change in people's lives and their oral cavities. Attending this SMDEP will bring me closer to my selfless goal.

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