Sorry to hear about your mom. I can understand how such a traumatic thing can distract you from your school work.
There are probably free on-site career or personality tests. Look them up on your computer. Take two of these tests to see if they supply you with (what you would consider) valid results. Write about what you have learned. It is a good way to do something more productive than just worrying about your mom. Good luck.
my mom has covid and she's been in the hospital so ive been too busy to do school. i have a portfolio to do but i dont understand it.
"conduct a safe search for a free career test or a free aptitude test. select two sites and take the career/personality test. what do you think of the results? have you learned anything new about yourself regarding your career interests and abilities? respond to the test by writing a 200 word essay."
thats all the instructions i was given. can someone please help
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