My Math work instructions is place the numbers from least to greatest.

7 squared, 2, 8/2 squared = 2, seven squared, and 8/2 squared.

10 squared, pi, 3.5 = pi, 3.16, 3.5.

220 squared, -10, 100 squared, 11.5 =
-10, 220 squared, 100 squared, 11.5.

8 squared, -3.75, 3, 9/4 =
-3.75, 9/4, 3, 8 squared.

1 answer

Online "^" is used to indicate an exponent, e.g., x^2 = x squared.

1. No. (8/2)^2 = 4^2

2. No, where is 10^2 = 100?

3. No. 220^2 > 100^2 > 11.5

4. Right