My hypothesis was that if a penny is covered with soap, then it will not hold as many water drops because the soap does not allow for adequate surface tension to occur. This hypothesis was supported by the results of the experiment.
In this experiment, I found out that the number of drops that can be placed on a penny significantly decreases when soap is added to the water. The average mean number of drops for tap water was 42.333, while the average mean for soapy water was only 30.
The results showed that the addition of soap had a clear impact on the surface tension of the water, making it more difficult for water drops to stay on the penny. Each trial consistently showed fewer drops for soapy water compared to tap water.
One thing I can infer from my experiment is that soap disrupts the surface tension of water, making it harder for drops to stay intact on the penny's surface. This supports the hypothesis that soap reduces the ability of water drops to adhere to the penny.
I would also like to find out if using different concentrations of soap in the water would produce varying results on the number of drops that can be placed on a penny. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore the effect of other substances besides soap on the surface tension of water and its impact on the penny.
Why is your experiment important? How will your project benefit society? Answer in two simple sentences In 6th grade terms
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