My friend and I are in a lot of the same classes this semester. We're taking calculus together and have been bonding over our shared troubles in the class. It's one of the most advanced math courses either of us have taken, and we're both barely making grades above a C. He told me the other day that he's made it his mission to get an A on our next test. Our teacher is known for harsh tests, so I figured it was impossible and let him study all he wanted. I did the bare minimum and earned a 78%, while he managed to get a 95%.
two students working together
So then I ...
asked if he cheated on the test.
began thinking that I could be making better grades if I studied as hard as he did.
figured he got lucky and didn't think much of it.
1 answer
congratulated him on his achievement and asked if he could help me study for the next test.