Additional adverb:
Additional adjectives:
["worried" is part of the verb "is worried"]
In addition, you have repeated "all on your own" or all on her own" too many times too close together. You should see about rephrasing those places so the repetition isn't annoying!
I would also so some rephrasing to get rid of any uses of "you" or any of its forms.
Possessive nouns need apostrophes: child's
And finally, be sure to put the paragraph through spell check to catch some problem areas.
My favorite television show is Teen Mom. I am very surprised at how amazing the show actually is. The show is about four courageous women who instantly gave up their childhood to become mothers. It also shows how hard it is to finish school and take care of a baby all at once. Being a teen mom can often be tremendously difficult if you are doing it all on your own. Farrah is one of the teen moms on the show who is having to take care of her beautiful little girl all on her own because her childs father was killed in a car accident before the baby was born. Amber is one of the other teen moms on the show and she is always fighting with her childs father. Catelynn is another teen mom on the show and ahe is always worried about giving her child up for adoption. Maci is the lat teen mom on the show and she is always worried that her childs father is going to take him away from her. By watching the show you can see that there are many positive and negative aspects to being a teen mom.
very, actually, instantly, often, tremendously, always
amazing, courageous, hard, difficult, one, beautiful, worried, many
Could you please help me and make sure that I have marked all of the adverbs and adjectives correctly in my review?
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