My face is red, I'm not a yooungster) but would someone help me to get the least expensive olive oil please?:

(Measurements as they appear on the bottles/can labels):

(A)3 liters (3 quarts & 5 oz) $28.00

(B)1 liter (33.8 oz) $11.00

(C)25.5 oz (750 ml) $ 8.00

(D)1 pint (9.35 oz) (750 ml) $ 7.50

(E)16.9 oz. (500 ml) $ 6.00

Strange that both sizes: 25.5 oz and 9.35 oz. should be 750 ml?

Thanks ever so very much!

1 answer

I believe there's an error in D. 1 pint plus 9.35 oz is 25.35 oz -- which is about the same as 25.5 oz.

Let's figure the price per liter.

A) 28/3 = $9.33 per liter
B) $11.00 per liter
C) 8/0.75 = $10.67 per liter
D) 7.50/0.75 = $10.00 per liter
E) 6/0.5 = $12.00 per liter