She'll learn to count when she's ready.
My daughter is struggling to grasp the concepts of her counting. She misses many numbers and my son who is 5 is trying to teach her numbers 1-10 but she constantly misses. If you have some practice problems for my daughter that would be great.
PS. my son is also in preschool
21 answers
just be counting things when she's around. (No, not all the time, just when it seems like an opportune moment.) When she's ready, she'll take an interest, and then watch out; there'll be no stopping her. I don't know how many sheets of paper I used up as a kid, typing strings of numbers, fascinated by the way they just kept on coming, with no end!
Ask her to say 12345 and then stop and tell her to write it on a piece of paper if she can.
then tell her to say 678910 then put that on a piece of paper to see if she can identify it
then tell her to say 678910 then put that on a piece of paper to see if she can identify it
make it into a song
wtf why is ms sue here
also teach ur kid math smh
Try different methods of teaching. Make teaching fun. For example, you can try creating a game. Hope this helps, this might be a little late. You can also try waiting depending on her age.
just buy ten pieces of her favorite pieces of candy and count them out infront of her. tell her that if she counts them correctly then she can get every piece of candy, but ONLY if she counts every single piece of candy in order.
hope this helps!
hope this helps!
sorry my answer is a little late but if she still needs help I hope my method helps her
teach her a song from youtube or something
You can put the numbers 1 to 10 on flashcards and show her like for the number 6 put 6 things she likes then do the rest of the numbers. And maybe she knows them give her a litte surprise like a reward her favorite thinGS, candy, toys, and etc
Maybe you could go on YouTube for some fun songs that teach counting, there are a lot of them! Or perhaps use flashcards to teach her, she needs to understand before she can practise. You certainly can't wait until she is ready, children mostly want to play anyways. Try to teach her in a fun way so she can remember better, hope this helps!
I think you should find songs that teach counting, my baby cousin, who is 2, watches mother goose club. and now she can count to 10 (at least i think she can) lol, but you can also try getting objects or blocks and have her count them. mother goose club teaches a lot of things, so i recommend it. btw you just got advice from a 13 year old.
You should also give her rewards when she gets something right.
you could help her by counting with her and correcting her when she misses. PS. does your son need help with anything id be happy to help him.
My mom would always write the numbers on our fingers and we would count almost everything we saw. My brother is 6 and in first grade, he can count to 100, so I think it worked really well.
Hopefully this was helpful! hope she learns to count!
Hopefully this was helpful! hope she learns to count!
MY son is in pre k and i like puuting out 10 objects he loves candy and toys and ill put out for example 6 he will count it to 6 he will get it right he is now in first grade and can count to 500 i think that helped him i also did abc mouse and youtube and we would go to the libary and get number books now every night before he goes to bed i ask him to count to 100 it hAS relly helped him
Teach her one number a week, and very number she learns she gets a piece of candy.
get berries, feed her one each time she says the number of the berry correctly.
give her the first one if she says 1
give her the second one if she says 2
give her the third one if she says 3
also use berries that she loves, so she tries her hard to get them.
give her the first one if she says 1
give her the second one if she says 2
give her the third one if she says 3
also use berries that she loves, so she tries her hard to get them.