My cultural custom essay topic is traditional Chinese weddings. Please include the following: Paragraph 1: an introduction with a clear thesis stating the writer’s main point with three supporting ideas Paragraph 2: a body paragraph with a strong topic sentence for one of the three ideas that support the main point, text-based evidence that develops or proves this idea such as facts, examples, or personal experiences, analysis of the selected text based evidence, and a transition to the next paragraph Paragraph 3: a body paragraph with a strong topic sentence for the second of the three ideas that support the main point text-based evidence that develops or proves this idea such as facts, examples, or personal experiences, analysis of the selected text based evidence, and a transition to the next paragraph Paragraph 4: a body paragraph with a strong topic sentence for the third of the three ideas that support the main point text-based evidence that develops or proves this idea such as facts, examples, or personal experiences, analysis of the selected text based evidence, and a transition to the next paragraph. Additionally, include a conclusion that restates the writer’s main ideas