My child was given this riddle as a homework assignment. We are stumped.
Q: "The skydiver had fries and a milkshake,why was he nervous?"
A: "Because he was _ _(2lett.word) _ _(2lett.word) _ _ _(3lett.word) _ _ _(3lett.word). "
Unscramble the letters below to find the last four words. One of the letters is not used.
u e r n i t m a h u i
I'm very bad at riddles of just about any kind. However, you can try these:
No luck with these two sites. This riddle is driving me nuts.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Could a letter be missing? I'm tempted to say "up in the air" but there is no "p."
That is what I'm beginning to wonder. There almost has to be a typing error or something.
ckqj qyrfcaju thxje pwbryeal cufwis tpbsxli cevxzrfp
Because he was up in the air!
duh copycatter
8 answers